Monday, December 8, 2014

Blog 4! "The Devils Arithmetic"

  Now that I'm in the middle of my book the book is kind of getting good but at the same time it is getting get sad because the girl Hannah had to give up her ribbon's to another because the other prisoner made her give up her own belongings. Also while they were in the concentration camp Hannah and others in the jail had to take off their clothes because they had no showers to wash up so they had to change in front of everybody while everyone is watching you. It didn't matter if you didn't want to do it, it was mandatory to do. One of my groups connection is very sad because she was forced to do something by her own parents. To me the concentration should only be for the folks you don't follow the rules not for people who you are innocent. The things they used to do to the children is just child abuse.

      A sign post that I'm going to use is "Memory Moment". In the book every time the character Hannah always gets the memory moment when she hears about the Jews and the tattoos it always remind her about her grandpa. Because that's what he was, even though thats what the ceil mates think she is but she isn't a Jew. So she doesn't get it like why am I here if I'm not apart of them. She gets to live the life of the Jews and also has to be punish for something thats not in her hands.

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